Yes, you can play SRX: The Game using a keyboard! You can edit the key bindings by going to the Options screen and selecting the Input Mapping tab.

The default keys are:


  • Accept (A): Enter
  • Cancel (B): Esc
  • Alt 1 (X): X
  • Alt 2 (Y): Y
  • Start: Space
  • Next Page (RB): Page Down
  • Prev Page (LB): Page Up
  • Up: Up arrow, Numpad 8
  • Down: Down arrow, Numpad 2
  • Left: Left arrow, Numpad 4
  • Right: Right arrow, Numpad 6


  • Steer Left: Left arrow
  • Steer RightRight arrow
  • Gas: Control (Ctrl)
  • Brake: Alt
  • Look Left: Left bracket [
  • Look Right: Right bracket ]
  • Look Forward: Equals =
  • Look Back: Minus -
  • Toggle Mirror: Apostrophe '
  • Change View: Semicolon ;
  • Race Info: Period .
  • Car Info: Slash /
  • Pause: Esc
  • Reset Car: Home


  • Shuttle Back: Left arrow
  • Shuttle Forward: Right arrow
  • Pause / Play: Space
  • Skip to End: End
  • Skip to Start: Home
  • Change Camera: Semicolon ;
  • Toggle Overlays: O
  • Toggle Music: M